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Tourism will save the world
This podcast delves into cutting-edge trends, essential skills shaping the tourism industry in the future. Join us as we talk about AI, Augmented Reality, idealism-tourism, and changing consumer behaviors that are...
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The Academy Toolbox
If you were planning a vacation, you would start by imagining "a magical future."
That's your vision. This is where trends come in handy, inspiring you to broaden and improve your vision of "a perfect vacation."
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The game of the future
The world is not "under destruction"; it's under construction. It might seem that everything is falling apart and that humanity is facing a tsunami of crises, wars, conflicts, and disasters that our political systems...
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What is a futurist?
Ever wonder what a futurist is? Well, you are not alone. "The future" is the world's best conversation topic. Being a futurist means you can lead these better conversations about the future in a constructive and...
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Getting to know Universal Futurist
We are futurists Anne Skare Nielsen & Henrik Good Hovgaard and we have worked professionally with the future since this millennia was a baby. In this podcast we will foresee the future and invite you to act on it...
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